At the start of June, UFAB Shanghai was certified in accordance with ISO 14001. This was the result of a team effort that was launched as soon as the business took up residence in its new premises.
“It’s exactly one year since we were awarded ISO 9001 certification, but we decided to hold off on ISO 14001 as we were preparing to relocate our business. In November 2019, we moved into our new premises and started working towards certification,” says Per Ohlsson, General Manager at UFAB Shanghai.
ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard and the basis for the environmental management system that enables active environmental work, in the form of reduced use of resources and lower costs for waste management.
“The work on certification was, as always, a team effort. We looked at our impact on the environment, identified our contribution and established goals and a plan for how to continue to improve.”
Differences between Sweden and China
“In the past, the management of waste in China was not as well developed as it is in Sweden, and this was also a reason to wait before seeking certification. In recent years, however, China has caught up very successfully, and is now recording statistics,” says Per Ohlsson.
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