Every three years, you as an ISO-certified company have to review your entire management system and undergo recertification. That time has now come around for UFAB in Uddevalla, and the renewed certificates were received in September.
“UFAB in Uddevalla was first certified in 1995, so we are familiar with the process here. But it’s both important and beneficial to look through everything on a regular basis,” says Rickard Olsson, Quality Manager at UFAB.
Prior to the certification, UFAB reviewed its management system to make sure that current requirements in the standard are being met and to check whether anything new has happened. For example, this might include altered processes or the fact that new customers have been brought in.
“We also take a close look at whether we have improved in those areas where we have been planning and moving in a goal-oriented manner over the past three years, as well as setting new targets for the upcoming next period.”
Coronavirus-tailored process
As a result of the current Coronavirus pandemic, the process took a slightly different form this year compared to previously. Instead of physical meetings, it was carried out remotely via the Teams tool.
“This obviously placed different demands on us, but everything worked really well. In the long run, we can see that a lot of good could come out of this year. For example, we could establish a new environmental goal regarding reduced travel, which would be positive from a number of perspectives,” says Rickard Olsson.